This syllabus aspires to guide interested non-specialists in the study of some of the most salient and important aspects of the contemporary Chinese domestic political scene. The recommended readings survey basic features of China’s political system as well as important developments in politics, ideology, and domestic policy under Xi Jinping’s leadership. Some effort has been made to promote awareness of the broad array of available English language scholarship and analysis. Reflecting the authors’ belief that study of official documents remains a critical skill for the study of Chinese politics, we have included some of these important sources as well.
Individuals utilizing this syllabus will build their understanding in a step-by-step fashion based on one hour of reading five nights a week for four weeks. We assume at most a passing familiarity with Chinese politics and the Chinese political system. The syllabus also provides a glossary of key terms and a list of recommended reading for books and websites for those seeking to engage in deeper study.
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